Health and environment integrated methodology and toolbox for scenario assessment

  • Description

    The Commission has for many years supported the development of methods and tools for health impact assessment (HIA) using the impact pathway approach. The main focus has been on outdoor air pollution and health where HIA methods, developed initially through projects such as ExternE and APHEIS, were extended and used to support policy in many applications, notably via cost-benefit analysis (CBA) for the CAFE programme of DG Environment. ExternE and other projects (HEARTS, METHODEX, INTARESE) have been extending HIA methods into wider aspects of environment and health, e.g. noise, with local case study applications. The aim of HEIMTSA is to support policy for evaluating scenarios at the European level in various industry sectors (transport, agriculture, waste disposal etc.). It will do this by: (i) Extending HIA methods and tools to tackle a wider range of environmental health issues, including pollution from multiple sources and mixtures of pollutants, and (ii) Applying the methods and tools to baseline and prospective future scenarios Europe-wide in the various sectors. The focus will include effects on children and the priority health endpoints as identified in the European Environment and Health Action Plan, but it will not be restricted to them. The actual work will involve methods and tools for scenario development, integrated modelling from emissions to exposure, new dose-response functions, monetary valuation, practical applications, demonstration and training. HEIMTSA will include integrally the evaluation of uncertainty, and close integration across disciplines. Benefits will include: (i) New integrated methods and tools (ii) Applications to policy-relevant Europe-wide scenarios and (iii) New knowledge about which issues of environment and health really matter, and what gaps need to be filled as priority, to enable fully comprehensive evaluations.
  • Persons