GI-Forum SS 2016

Date Topic Presenter Institution
12.04.2016 Institute meeting
19.04.2016 Anonymous Publish-Subscribe Prof. Mathias Fischer
Universität Münster
26.04.2016 Gesture Analysis for Human Computer Interaction and Humanities Research Priv-Doz. Dr. Oliver Schreer
Fraunhofer HHI
03.05.2016 No GI-Forum
10.05.2016 UAV - paradigm shift in geodata acquisition Prof. Rohan Benett, Prof. Markus Gerke University of Twente
17.05.2016 Pentecost Holidays
24.05.2016 Institute meeting
31.05.2016 EarthDB: Building a "Digital Earth" for Science Prof. James Frew University of California
07.06.2016 Visualizing Distance of Off-screen Landmarks on Mobile Devices: Visual Variables and Their Effects Prof. Rui Li University at Albany
14.06.2016 Closing the Loop – How to model the subsurface Dr. Tobias Rudolf EON Gas Storage
21.06.2016 Effects of visual detail in topographic maps on spatial cognition and memory Prof. Dr. Frank Dickmann
Prof. Dr. Lars Kuchinke
Ruhr Universität Bochum
28.06.2016 No GI-Forum
05.07.2016 Perceptual-motor Expertise and Sports Performance Prof. Karen Zentrgraf Universität Münster
12.07.2016 Land cover monitoring using satellite image time series Dr. Victor Maus National Institute for Space Research (INPE), Brazil e-sensing
19.07.2016 Institute meeting