GI-Forum WS 2012/13





09.10.2012 Institute meeting and thesis
16.10.2012 Reaching Geonoema – Semantic research issues on concepts, objects, and other ambiguous geographic notions Prof. Dr. Marinos Kavouras OntoGEO Research Group, National Technical University of Athens
23.10.2012 STARS: A New Method for Multitemporal Remote Sensing Marcio Pupin Mello INPE
30.10.2012 Stuck in the Stacks: Impacts of Architectural Intelligibility and Individual Differences on Indoor Wayfinding Behaviors Dr. Rui Li Spatial Intelligence Lab, ifgi
06.11.2012 Re-Framing Landscape: Artists as Cultural Catalysts in Rural Localities Deirdre O'Mahony Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology, Ireland
13.11.2012 Validation of wind-prognosis tools - impossible? Graciana Petersen University of Hamburg - Meteorological Institute
20.11.2012 Institute meeting and thesis
27.11.2012 The impact of gestures on explicit and implicit learning about the surface orientation of liquids Prof. Dr. Miriam Leuchter WWU Münster
04.12.2012 Spatial Information Management at Fraunhofer IGD Dr. Eva Klien IGD Darmstadt
11.12.2012 Institute meeting and thesis
18.12.2012 Mapping the world's linguistic diversity: The World Atlas of Linguistic Structures Prof. Dr. Bernard Comrie
08.01.2013 Institute meeting and thesis
15.01.2013 no forum
22.01.2013 Dynamic Visualization and Individual Differences in Environmental Spatial Cognition Prof. Dr. Stefan Münzer
29.01.2013 Classification and clustering in spatial and spatio-temporal point patterns Prof. Dr. Jorge Mateu UJI
30.01.2013 On the Ontology of Massive Planned Social Action Prof. Dr. Barry Smith Department of Philosophy, University at Buffalo