Associated Research Projects


Financed by ICI/Germany (2011-2015)

The REDD-PAC project studies how land use policies work. The global land use model GLOBIOM projects land use change by spatially modelling trade of agricultural, bioenergy and forest commodities. The project will use GLOBIOM for analysis of different land use policies on Brazil and in the Congo Basin. Partners are IIASA, INPE, IPEA, WCMC/UNEP and COMIFAC. More info on


Financed by CNPq (2011-2013)

TerraME is a toolbox for spatial dynamical modelling that supports cellular automata, agent-based models, and network models. TerraME is coupled with TerraLib geodatabases. Its modelling language enables multi-scale and multi-paradigm models for environmental applications. Project partners are UFOP and INPE. More info on


Financed by FAPESP (2010-2014)

The project wants to understand the socio-economic factors that drive deforestation in Amazonia. Our studies focus on institutional arrangements, demographics, and trade. For more info, see the project reports for years 2010-20112011-2012, and2012-2013. One of the project's novel results is an agent-based model of frontier areas.