Eike Gebauer

PhD Student
Eike Gebauer

Heisenbergstr. 2
48149 Münster

  • Research Areas

    • 3D Graphics and Visualization
    • Monitoring of Additive Manufacturing
    • Machine Learning for Anomaly Detection




    • Gebauer, Eike; Thiele, Sebastian; Ouvrard, Pierre; Sicard, Adrien; Risse, Benjamin. . ‘Towards a Dynamic Vision Sensor-based Insect Camera Trap.’ Contributed to the Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision 2024, Waikoloa, Hawaii. [accepted / in Press (not yet published)]

    • Valkov Dimitar, Thiele Sebastian, Huesmann Karim, Risse Benjamin. . ‘Touch Recognition on Complex 3D Printed Surfaces using Filter Response Analysis.’ Contributed to the IEEE VR Workshop on Novel Input Devices and Interaction Techniques (NIDIT), Online. [online first]