Software & Code

Here we are hosting our Computer Vision and Machine Learning systems.

  • FIM Imaging & FIMTrack

    FIM imaging can be used in a wide range of applications (e.g. tracking animals, measuring the growth of roots, etc.). This system combines a novel imaging technique (called FTIR-based Imaging Method; FIM) and a associated tracking program for larvae and worms.

    More details can be found here...

  • Cell Counting System

    Cell counting is a common repetetive task in biomedical research. Here we provide a DIY system for cell counting including the 3D printable CAD files, the necessary hardware components and source code for automatic image acquisision and cell counting. Please note that this is a work in progress project.

    More details can be found here...

  • Butterknife: A Modular Slicer For Resarch and Teaching

    © CVMLS

    Slicing is an essential step before manufacturing a file using 3D printers. We have developed a modular open source slicer which can be for research and teaching purposes. The slicer is called Butterknife and incorporates essential geometric operations, visualisations and reactive 3D printing capabilities. 

    More details can be found here...

  • Habitat3D - Meshing Natural Outdoor Scenes

    Habitat3D is an open source software to convert terrestrial LiDAR scans of natural environments into photorealistic meshes. It provides a variety of point cloud processing algorithms a GUI and batch processing capabilities.

    More details can be found here...