Dear Scientist,
in little over a year ISPAC 23 will open in Muenster, Germany. During the week 4 - 8 September 2011, the 23rd International Symposium on Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds will offer a unique overview over all aspects of PAC chemistry and biology to give the conferees the most up-to-date information in this huge area of research.
To cater to all interests, a wide variety of sessions are going to be held. We are lucky in having leading scientists from around the world take charge of them and to assure that top-class lectures will be held. In addition, contributed presentations are invited - plan to present your own work! At the end of this message you will find a non-exhaustive listing of the sessions that have been confirmed so far together with the names of the conveners.
In addition to the sessions, three plenary lectures will tease your curiosity:
We will of course also have a lecture given by the winner of the ISPAC Research Award, who will be selected next year. And finally we will have an evening lecture on a PAC topic that we have so far not covered at previous ISPAC meetings but at this time we will keep the topic a secret.
And in keeping with the ISPAC tradition, there will be ample time to meet the other conferees, enjoy some great social events and make friends with scientists from around the globe.
The website will be updated with new information and developments until the start of the meeting. Make sure to check this site occasionally if you plan to attend the conference. We will continue to inform you of upcoming deadlines in due time so that you will not miss anything of importance.
And - don't forget the advantages of becoming a member of ISPAC ( and publish your PAC research in the journal Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds (, published by Taylor & Francis.
Auf Wiedersehen in Muenster next year,
Jan Andersson and Christine Achten
Conference Chairs
Confirmed Chairs of Sessions and Tentative Titles
Synthesis of PAC, Holger Bettinger, University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany
Analytical Chemistry of PAC: Chromatography, Judy Wornat, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, USA, and Jan Andersson, University of Münster, Münster, Germany
Analytical Chemistry of PAC: Mass Spectrometry, Hendrik Müller and Adnan al-Hajji, Saudi Aramco, Dharan, Saudi-Arabia and Wolfgang Schrader, Max-Planck-Institute, Mülheim, Germany
PAC in Earth History, Wilhelm Püttmann, University of Frankfurt, Frankfurt/M, Germany and Leszek Marynowski, University of Silesia, Sosnowiec, Poland
PAC and Fuels, Sylvain Verdier, Harald Topsoe, Copenhagen, Denmark
PAC in Environmental Forensics Investigations, Court D. Sandau, Trium, Calgary, Canada
Atmospheric Reactions of PAC, Eric Villenave and Hélčne Budzinski, University of Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France
PAC in Nanoscale and Colloid Matrixes, Thilo Hofmann, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria and Chiel Jonker, Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands
Behavior of PAC in the Environment, Tilman Gocht and Peter Grathwohl, University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany
Contaminated Sites: Risk Assessment and Remediation, Andreas Tiehm, Water Technology Center, Karlsruhe, Germany
PAC in Food, Lene Duedahl-Olesen, Danish Technical University, Copenhagen, Denmark
Human Exposure to PAC, Andreas Sjödin and Jane Li, Center for Disease Control, Atlanta, USA
Human PAC Monitoring, Jürgen Angerer, University of Bochum, Bochum, Germany