Prof. Dr. Andreas Heuer
Corrensstr. 28/30
Corrensstr. 28/30
Klahr, Kevin | Molecular Equilibrium Structures and Vibrations from Subsystem Density Functional Theory: Implementation and Benchmarking | |
Denis Artiukhin | Advanced Frozen-Density Embedding: Towards an Accurate Description of Spin Densities for Co-Factors in Photosystem II | |
Tewes, Walter | Dynamics of pattern formation in interface-dominated systems | |
Blank-Burian, Markus | Properties of the Potential Energy Landscape under Shear | |
Unsleber, Jan Patrick | Making Embedding Methods Work for Metal-Ligand Systems | |
Wilczek, Markus | Pattern Formation in Driven Thin Layers of Simple and Complex Liquids | |
Riedl, Dennis | The tendency to draw in sport | |
Schroer, Carsten Friedrich Eberhard | Microrheology of supercooled liquids: From the potential energy landscape to nonlinear response | |
Lesch, Volker | Solvation and transport properties of solutes in ionic liquids. A computational study | |
Jana, Pritam Kumar | Self assembly and computer simulations | |
Solovyeva, Alisa | Subsystem DFT for Open-Shell Systems and Electron-Transfer Processes | |
Honisch, Christoph | Analysis of complex systems: From stochastic time series to pattern formation in microscopic fluidic films | |
Diddens, Diddo | Determination of segmental mobilities in polymeric materials and characterization of the lithium ion dynamics in complex polymer electrolytes . Theorie und Simulation | |
Mues, Tanja | Wachstumsprozesse auf Oberflächen | |
Rehwald, Christian | Die Energielandschaft glasbildender Systeme | |
Hopp, Stefan Frieder | Monte Carlo simulations of structure formation on prepatterned and sheared surfaces | |
Lühning, Lars | Nichtlineare Transporteigenschaften ungeordneter Systeme Untersuchung des feldabhängigen Leitfähigkeitsmechanismus im Randon-Energy-Model | |
Kalischewski, Felix | Structure Formation during Surface Growth - Theory and Simulation | |
Maitra, Arijit | Ion Transport in Polymer Electrolytes: Simulation and Theory | |
Saksaengwijit, Aimorn | Relating the Macroscopic Dynamics of Liquid Silica to its Potential Energy Landscape | |
Lammert, Heiko | Untersuchung der Ionendynamik und speziell des Mischalkalieffektes sowie der komplexen Energielandschaft in Alkalisilikatgläsern mittels Molekulardynamiksimulationen | |
Saksaengwijit, Aimorn | Relating the Macroscopic Dynamics of Liquid Silica to its Potential Energy Landscape | |
Kunow, Magnus | Erforschung der Dynamik fester Ionenleiter mittels Computersimulationen am Beispiel von Lithiumsilikatgläsern | |
Reinisch, Jens | Computer Simulations Regarding Low Temperature Tunneling States in Disordered Solids |
Cojocaru, Vlad | Decoding structural features and dynamics that modulate biomolecular recognition | |
Gurevich, Svetlana | Control and Selection of Spatio-Temporal Patterns in Dissipative Systems | |
Vogel, Michael | Komplexe molekulare Dynamik in Materialien mit ungeordneten Strukturen: Untersuchungen mit Hilfe von Kernspinresonanz-Spektroskopie und Computersimulationen |