CCE: cartae cluniacenses electronicae
Database of the Charters of the abbey of Cluny (802-1300)

Result:   1 — 8 from 8 hits[Back]

BB 1047 ViewView S Tetberti qui consensit S Rotboldi et Ermengarda et Ingelmaro
BB 1084 ViewView latus et alio fronte terra Rotboldi quantum infra istas fines
BB 1084 ViewView et firmare rogaverunt S Rotboldi et alio Rotboldi qui
BB 1084 ViewView S Rotboldi et alio Rotboldi qui consenserunt S Maria S
BB 1094 ViewView et Uperti filiorum suorum S Rotboldi qui consensit S Ademari S
BB 1122 ViewView in presente rogaverunt S Rotboldi qui in omnibus consenserunt
BB 1308 ViewView et firmare rogavit S David S Rotboldi S Duranni S Martini Data per
BB 3028 ViewView fecit S Guiardi S Stephani S Rotboldi S Gausmari S Hugonis clerici

Result:   1 — 8 from 8 hits[Back]


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