CCE: cartae cluniacenses electronicae
Database of the Charters of the abbey of Cluny (802-1300)

Result:   1 — 8 from 8 hits[Back]

BB 0654bis ViewView via publica a cercio terra Ansedeo infra ipsas terminaciones
BB 0841 ViewView Sancto Niceto S Gisono S Ansedeo qui donatione ista fierint
BB 1440 ViewView S Tetono S Vatono S Ahino S Ansedeo Ego Bernard datavit die
BB 2946 ViewView vero juncta matrimonio domno Ansedeo seniori meo eodem
BB 3104 ViewView nobilissimis viris Ansedeo de Oblado et Umberto Ungro
BB 3642 ViewView et Guntardo qui de eodem Ansedeo hoc habebant in feodo teste
BB 3758 ViewView esset nominaret ipso Ansedeo presente et supradictam
BB 3806 ViewView Humberto et a filiis ejus Ansedeo et Willelmo in capitulo

Result:   1 — 8 from 8 hits[Back]


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