CCE: cartae cluniacenses electronicae
Database of the Charters of the abbey of Cluny (802-1300)

Result:   1 — 10 from 84 hits[Back]

(1) 2 3 4 5 > (9)

BB 0032 ViewView consensit S Folcoys S Willelmo S Feliza S Godalfre S
BB 0052 ViewView Christoforo de uno fronte Willelmo de alio fronte Mazirias
BB 0063 ViewView oc consenserunt S Gutulbol S Willelmo S Arhimbol S Addrulfo S
BB 0192 ViewView et suo legali possessori Willelmo videlicet comiti legaliter
BB 0214 ViewView Willelmi comitis et pro Willelmo seniore meo nepote ejus tum
BB 0379 ViewView pro bonę memorię Willelmo vel certe aliis aut vivis
BB 1994 ViewView de seniore nostro Willelmo comite et uxore sua Lucia
BB 2709 ViewView firmavi et filiis meis Willelmo necnon et Oddoni simulque
BB 2709 ViewView Papiæ revertente duce Willelmo de Roma anno incarnationis
BB 2740 ViewView meis supra nominatis Willelmo et Hugone kartam placuit

(1) 2 3 4 5 > (9)
Result:   1 — 10 from 84 hits[Back]


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