
© Lars Kienle /

Choosing the right storage location is critical to successful data management. There are many options for data storage: your personal laptop, your company computer, network drives, cloud storage, or external media such as hard drives or USB flash drives. However, not all of these storage devices are equally suitable for sustainable and secure data storage.

Cloud storage

Do you want to share your research data with others or automatically synchronize it across multiple devices? Then the NRW Cloud storage sciebo may be the ideal solution for your research project.

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Network drive

Some IVVs at the University of Münster offer network drives, which can be used e.g. for collaborative work within your own workgroup or as part of a research project. If you have any further questions on this topic, please contact your local IVV.

If you would like to store research data that no one but you should have access to, the CIT of the University of Münster also provides a personal network drive to all members of the university.

Saving large data

Does your research project generate data volumes that are too large for conventional storage? The CIT of the University of Münster offers a special storage infrastructure – Uni Cloud Münster. If you are interested, please contact the CIT.