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Various networks and communication channels exist at the University of Münster for collegial exchange on a wide range of RDM topics. Moreover, the University of Münster also engages in different national and international networks and initiatives.

Networking within the University

National and international networking

  • On the level of North Rhine-Westphalia the Initiative for Research Data Management of North Rhine-Westphalia ( coordinates regular exchange of RDM experts from universities and universities of applied sciences. The University of Münster is engaged in several working groups of this initiative.
  • At the federal level the University of Münster is part of the German U 15 e.V.. It represents 15 leading research-intensive universities of Germany.
  • In cooperation with CERN, the European Organisation for Nuclear research, the University of Münster engages in the further development of the software InvenioRDM, which is a software for setting up research data repositories and archives. On the base of InvenioRDM, CERN runs e.g. Zenodo.
  • On the subject of 3D digitization the University of Münster is part of the working group AG3D. A network that brings together experts in the field of digitizing three-dimensional objects.
  • The Research Data Working Group of DINI e.V. (German Initiative for Network Information e.V.) promotes the interdisciplinary exchange of experience and coordinates RDM activities in the German-speaking world. As member of DINI e.V. the University of Münster is actively involved in this development.
  • Various working groups at Münster University are also actively involved in consortia of the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI).