• Courses

    2022: Humboldt Universität zu Berlin

    • Guest lecturing for the course "Religion* - Gender* - Hermeneutics*. On the Performance of Religious (Traditional) Texts" on "Postcoloniality – Gender – Theology. Critical Perspectives on Power”

    2021: University of Münster

    • Guest lecturing for the course “Women and Religion in Africa”, led by Dr Sara Fretheim, on “Creation Care: Women, Environment and Eco-Theology”
    • Guest lecturing for the course “Responsibility – Justice – Sociality as Topics of Education in Ethics”, led by Prof. Judith Kӧnemann, with a focus on educational justice in Burkina Faso, particularly women’s education

    2017 to present: Institut Pastoral Hébron, Bouaflé, Cȏte d’Ivoire

    • Research Methods: Field Work (Interviews, Participant Observations and Conversations, and Data Analysis)

    2017 to present: Akrofi-Christaller Institute of Theology, Mission and Culture, Ghana

    • Holistic Mission and Development (Biblical Texts: Creation, Land and Community as Biblical Themes, and Studies in Transformational, Integral and Sustainable development)
    • Research Methods: Gospel and Culture; Contemporary and Perennial Issues
  • Research

    Research Topics:

    • Global Christianity
    • African Christianity
    • Christian History
    • African Indigenous Religions
    • Holistic Mission and Development
    • Gospel and Culture
    • Gender Studies

    Current project: Gender and Holistic Mission: A Christian Response to the Lobi/Birifor Marriage for an Effective Transformational Development in West Africa (Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana) [working title]

    In my current research project I am using the Lobi/Birifor marriage as a case study to show women’s role from the household to the entire society. Therefore, I will examine some of the pressures put on women due to the meaning of Lobi/Birifor marriage and how these pressures affect women’s life in both society and church, thus limiting them from fully participating in development even as it is obvious that they are key agents for achieving a meaningful development in the world.

    My work focuses on the following questions:

    • How do we challenge unjust structures of society from the household to the entire society and within the church to enable the Lobi/Birifor women to thrive and to effectively participate in the holistic transformation of the world?
    • How does the Christian message interpret Lobi/Birifor marriage and the treatment of women and what is a Christian response that enables true transformation?
  • Biography

    2022-2025 Alexander Von Humboldt Foundation Fellow
    Georg Foster Fellow: Experienced Researcher; Arbeitsstelle für Theologische Genderforschung (Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät), Münster University, 48149 Münster,  Germany
    2022 Deeper Life International Bible Training College (DL-IBTC), Kumasi, Ghana;
    Course Facilator for Executive Certificate in Theology programme; Holistic Ministry
    2021 Short Course: Women’s Rights in Africa; Centre for Human Rights Faculty of Law University of Pretoria (South Africa)
    2019 Short Course: Conflict Prevention; Koffi Annan Institute for Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC), Accra (Ghana)
    2018-2021 Independent Researcher
    2018 Institutional Research Coordinator for the Alliance of Mission Researchers & Institutions (AMRI) project; Oxford Centre for Mission Studies (UK)/Akrofi-Christaller Institute of Theology, Mission and Culture (Ghana)
    2017-2020 Research Associate, World Encyclopedia of Christianity; Centre for the Study of Global Christianity (Boston)
    2017 Associate (Visiting) Professor; Institut Pastoral Hébron, Bouaflé (Côte d’Ivoire)
    2017 Adjunct Research Fellow; Akrofi-Christaller Institute of Theology, Mission and Culture (Ghana)
    2016-2017 Post-Doctoral Fellowship; Akrofi-Christaller Institute of Theology, Mission and Culture (Ghana)
    2015 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Theology; Akrofi-Christaller Institute of Theology, Mission and Culture (Ghana)
    2011-2015 PhD Research; Akrofi-Christaller Institute of Theology, Mission and Culture (Ghana)
    2009-2011 Master of Theology (African Christianity); Akrofi-Christaller Institute of Theology, Mission and Culture (Ghana)
    2008-2009 Master of Arts (Theology and Mission); Akrofi-Christaller Institute of Theology, Mission and Culture (Ghana)
    2007-2008 English Teacher; College Privé Thuongba, Gaoua (Burkina Faso)
    2004-2005 Master’s Degree in English: Applied Linguistics Option; University of Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)
    2003-2004 Bachelor’s Degree in English; University of Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)
  • Bibliography

    Forthcoming publications

    • ‘Religion and (in)Security in Contemporary West Africa: A Case Study of Social Cohesion in Burkina Faso.’


    • Dah, Ini Dorcas: Women do more work than men; Birifor women as Change Agents in the Mission and Expansion of the Church in West Africa (Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana), Akropong-Akuapem: Regnum Africa (2017).

    Edited Volume

    • Dah, Ini Dorcas; Blasu, Ebenezer Yaw; Gaisie, Rudolf K. (eds.): Understanding the Gospel, Culture and Environment: Essays in Honour of Allison Mary Howell, Accra: University of Ghana Printing Press (2022).


    Articles with peer-review

    • Walton, James; Dah, Ini Dorcas: ‘Heroes and Heroines of the Christian faith in Ghana/ celebration of Christian Leaders’ (forthcoming).
    • Dah, Ini Dorcas; Owusu-Ansah, Sylvia: ‘Diaconia and Christian Witness: An Investigation into the Modes and Practices of Diaconia in West Africa’, in: Eurich, Johannes; Hofmann, Beate; Moos, Thorsten (eds.): Diaconia in an international perspective, Oxford: Regnum Books (2022).
    • Dah, Ini Dorcas: ‘Role of Prayer, Miracles, Healing and Deliverance in Birifor Conversion to the Christian Faith’, in: Kahl, Werner: Miracles in the Gospels and Contemporary Christianity in West Africa. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang (2022).
    • Dah, Ini Dorcas: ‘An Examination of the Significance of the Birifor Clan System and Its Impact on the Church among the Birifor’, in: Dah, Ini Dorcas; Blasu, Ebenezer Yaw; Rudolf K., Gaisie (eds.): Understanding the Gospel, Culture and Environment: Essays in Honour of Allison Mary Howell. Accra: University of Ghana Printing Press (2022).
    • Parsitau, Damaris; Mombo, Esther; Dah, Ini Dorcas; Gitonga, Tatiana Wairimu: ‘‘Mama I Can’t Breathe!’ Black/African Women of Faith Groaning for Social Justice and Gender Equality”, Mission Studies 38/3 (2021), pp. 448-469.
    • Howell, Allison M.; Dah, Ini Dorcas: ‘Entry into the Field, Observation and Participant Observation in Theological Research in Non-Western Contexts’, Journal of African Christian Thought 24/1 (2021), pp. 63-73.
    • Dah, Ini Dorcas: ‘Côte d’Ivoire’, in: Johnson, Todd M.; Zurlo, Gina A. (eds.): World Christian Encyclopaedia 3. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press (2020), pp. 226-228.
    • Dah, Ini Dorcas: ‘Centre International d’Evangélisation/Mission Intérieure Africaine’s Contribution to Sustainable Development through Transformational Development’, in: Ӧhlmann, Philipp; Gräb, Wilhelm; Frost, Marie-Luise (eds.): African Initiated Christianity and the Decolonisation of Development; Sustainable Development in Pentecostal and Independent Churches. London/New York: Routledge (2020), pp. 253-263.
    • Dah, Ini Dorcas: ‘Desacralisation of Gold in South West Burkina Faso: A Christian response to gold mining and its consequences on creation’, in: Ntreh, Benjamin Abotchie; Aidoo, Mark S.; Aboagye Aryeh, Daniel Nii (eds.): Essays on the Land, Ecotheology, and Traditions in Africa. Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock Publishers (2019), pp. 192-204.
    • Dah, Ini Dorcas: ‘From Cocoa farmer to Itinerant Preacher: The Ministry of Abraham Danyuo and his daughters’, in: Addo-Fening, Robert; Howell, Allison (eds.): The ‘Golden Pod’: Its Religious, Socio-Economic and Political Impact on the Gold Coast and Ghana. Akropong-Akuapem: Regnum Africa (2018), pp. 194-211.
    • Balcomb, Anthony; Chirongoma, Sophie; Dah, Ini Dorcas; Woldegiorgis, Seblewengel Daniel; Deouyo, Paul; Gaisie, Rudolf K.; Howell, Allison: ‘Spirituality and Hope in Africa: A Study in Five Countries’, International Bulletin for Mission Research 41/4 (2017), pp. 336-346.
    • Dah, Ini Dorcas: ‘Expanding Models of Mission: The Case of Mission Among Birifor Women in Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana’, Journal of African Christian Thought 19/1 (2016), pp. 29-40.
    • Dah, Ini Dorcas: ‘Birifor Women Leaders in Christian Mission: A Case Study of the Impact of Two Women on the Growth of the Apostolic Church of Ghana and the Eglise Protestante Evangélique du Burkina Faso’, Journal of African Christian Thought 17/2 (2015), pp. 16-24.

    Articles without peer-review

    • Dah, Ini Dorcas: ‘Seeing The Birifor Practice of Funerals Through the Lenses of The Scripture’ (forthcoming).
    • Dah, Ini Dorcas: ‘Gender and Holistic Mission: A Christian Response to the Lobi/Birifor Marriage for an Effective Transformational Development in West Africa (Burkina Faso, Cȏte d’Ivoire and Ghana)’ (forthcoming).
    • Dah, Ini Dorcas: ‘Women’s Understanding of Prosperity and Wellbeing in West Africa’, in: Mugambi, Kiama: Prosperity and Wellbeing in African Christianity, Nairobi: Africa Theological Network Press (forthcoming).
    • Dah, Ini Dorcas: ‘Sharing Common Space between Christians and Muslims in daily life in Burkina Faso’ (forthcoming).
    • Dah, Ini Dorcas: ‘Spirituality and Hope in Africa: The Case of Burkina Faso’ (forthcoming).
    • Dah, Ini Dorcas: ‘An Examination of the Socio-Cultural and Religious Impact of the European Colonial Rule on the People of South West Burkina Faso’ (forthcoming).
    • Dah, Ini Dorcas: ‘Understanding Prophetism in Burkina Faso: A Case study of Some Selected Churches’ (forthcoming).
  • Conference/workshop papers

    7 to 9 November 2022 VID Specialized University Centre of Mission and Global Studies, Misjonsmarka, Stavanger, Norway/ National Library of Cabo Verde, Praia.
    Paper presented: ‘An Examination of the Socio-Cultural and Religious Impact of the European Colonial Rule on the People of South West Burkina Faso’.
    20 to 21 October 2022 International Conference: Theology: Biographical – Contextual – Intersectional
    Paper presented: ‘Standing in the Gap (Ezekiel 22: 30) for Fellow Human Beings Created in the Image of God (Genesis 1:26-27)’.
    6 to 12 October 2019 Langham Preaching Women’s Forum in Tochni Village (Cyprus) on the theme: Nurturing, Empowering and Equipping Women for Effective Service.
    Paper presented: ‘Our Cultures and the Role of Women and Preaching: Sharing Stories of Obstacles, Challenge and Discouragement’.
    27 to 29 June 2019 Yale-Edinburgh Group Meeting on the History of the Missionary Movement and World Christianity, Yale Divinity School, New Haven, Connecticut (USA).
    Paper presented: ‘Exploring the Birifor Clan system and the Impact on the Church among the Birifor’.
    15 to 21 September 2018 African Presbyterian/Reformed Women Leaders’ Gathering in Johannesburg (South Africa) on the theme: Woman, You Are the Image of God.
    Paper presented: ‘Living out the image of God’ (in the African context).
    23 to 30 July 2018 Young Women Camp, Bobo-Dioulasso (Burkina Faso)
    Presentation: ‘Developing your friendship with God’.
    1 to 7 July 2018 Institute for Christian Impact Seminar on Mission for a Bright Africa: Beyond the Talk to Impactful Action.
    Paper presented: ‘The Strategic Role of Women in Nation Building’.
    28 to 30 June 2018 Yale-Edinburgh Group Meeting on the History of the Missionary Movement and World Christianity, New College, Edinburgh University (UK).
    Paper presented: ‘Prayer, Miracles, Healing and Deliverance in the Process of Birifor Conversion to the Christian Faith’.
    5 to 7 June 2018 West African Association for Theological Institutions (WAATI), Ghana Zone on the Bible and Caring for the Land.
    Paper presented: ‘The Desacralisation of Gold in the South Western Area of Burkina Faso and the Ecological Consequences’.
    18 to 20 January 2018 Princeton Theological Seminary: Currents, Perspectives and Methodologies in World Christianity.
    Paper presented: ‘Exploring the Contribution of Birifor Women to the Growth of the Church through their Involvement in Christian Women’s Organizations in Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana’.
    14 September 2017 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Research Project: Potentials of Cooperation with African Initiated Churches for Sustainable Development, Pentecost Convention Center, Gomoa Fetteh, Central Region (Ghana).
    Paper presented: ‘Centre International d’Evangélisation/Mission Intérieure Africaine: Its Ministry and Involvement in Sustainable Development in Burkina Faso’.
    1 to 5 August 2017 West African Association for Theological Institutions (WAATI) Conference; Pentecost University, Accra (Ghana).
    Paper presented: ‘Birifor Women in Christian Mission: The Influence of Suzanna Chiportey Yirilo on the Growth of the Apostolic Church of Ghana’.
    29 June to 1 July 2017 Yale-Edinburgh Group Meeting, Yale Divinity School, New Haven, Connecticut (USA).
    Paper presented: ‘The Itinerant Preaching of Abraham Danyuo and his Daughters, Esther and Mary Danyuo as a Result of Danyuo’s Migration to Southern Ghana’.
    9 to 13 May 2016 Workshop on Spirituality and Hope in Africa.
    Paper presented: ‘The Case of Burkina Faso’.
    20 to 21 October 2015 Cocoa Conference at the Akrofi-Christaller Institute of Theology, Mission and Culture (Ghana).
    Paper presented: ‘The Role of Cocoa in the Itinerant Preaching of Abraham Danyuo and his Daughters, Esther and Mary Danyuo’.
    26 to 28 June 2014 Yale-Edinburgh Group Meeting, New College, Edinburgh University (UK).
    Paper presented: ‘Birifor Women in Christian Mission: A Case Study of the Impact of Two Women on the Growth of the Apostolic Church of Ghana and the Eglise Protestante Evangélique du Burkina Faso’.
    23 to 26 June 2014 Summer School, Andrew Walls Centre for the Study of Asian and African Christianity, Liverpool Hope University, (UK).
    Paper presented: ‘Birifor Women in Christian Mission: A Case Study of the Impact of Two Women on the Growth of the Apostolic Church of Ghana and the Eglise Protestante Evangélique du Burkina Faso’.
  • Memberships

    Since 2020 Langham Women Advisory Group
    Since 2019 Langham Women Forum
    Since 2018 International Association for Mission Studies
    Since 2017 World Christianity Group, Princeton Theological Seminary
    Since 2017 Langham Expository Praching advisory, Burkina Faso
    Since 2017 Catalyst for Africa
    Since 2017 Sustainable Medical Missions
    Since 2016 Institute for Christina Impact
    Since 2012 Yale-Edinburgh Group on the History of the Missionary Movement and World Christianity
    Since 2010 L’Association Evangélique pour la Joie et le Développement de la Femme (the Evangelical Association for the Joy and the Development of Women), Burkina Faso (founder and president)
    Since 2007 Pastors’ Wives’ Association, Eglise Protestante Evangélique du Burkina Faso
    Since 2005 L’Alliance des Femmes Evangéliques du Burkina Faso (AFE) and Pan African Christian Women Alliance (PACWA) in Africa; facilitator for the care for HIV/AIDS widows and orphans (World Relief, Burkina Faso) on behalf of the group
    Since 2004 L’Association des Femmes de l’Eglise Protestante Evangélique du Burkina Faso (AF/EPE)
    Since 1990 Le Mouvement Flambeaux-Lumières