Faculty of Catholic Theology
Ecumenical InstituteT: +49 251 83-31991 | Sekr.: +49 251 83-31995
Consultation hours: by prior arrangement via e-mail
WiSe 2011/12 | ... | SoSe 2023 | WiSe 2023/24 | SoSe 2024 | WiSe 2024/25 | SoSe 2025
Prof. Dr. Regina Elsner hat im Sommersemester ein Freisemester.
Oberseminar: Aktuelle Themen orthodoxer Theologie und Ökumenik
Modulkurs (Systematische Theologie): Synodalität und Primat: Ökumenische Fragen der Ekklesiologie
Hauptseminar (Systematische Theologie): Familie, Ehe und Sexualität in der Orthodoxie
Oberseminar: Aktuelle Themen orthodoxer Theologie und Ökumenik
Basismodul-Vorlesung: Kirchengeschichte
Modulkurs (Systematische Theologie): Einführung in die Orthodoxe Theologie
Oberseminar: Aktuelle Themen der Orthodoxen Theologie
Vorlesung: Die Orthodoxen Kirchen in der Ökumene - Geschichte, Themen, Konflikte
Modulkurs: Orthodoxe Kirchen in Deutschland
Oberseminar: Aktuelle Themen orthodoxer Theologie
Seminar: Die religiöse Dimension des Krieges in der Ukraine
Basismodul-Vorlesung: Kirchengeschichte
Vorlesung: Krieg und Frieden in der Russischen Orthodoxie
Proseminar (mit Maria Wernsmann): Kirchen in Ost und West zwischen Tradition und Moderne
since 01/2024 | Professor of Eastern Church Studies and Ecumenics |
since 04/2023 | Substitute for the Professorship of Eastern Church Studies and Ecumenics |
12/2022 | Appointment as Professor of Eastern Church Studies and Ecumenics at the Faculty of Catholic Theology at the University of Münster |
09/2017–03/2023 | Research assistant at the Center for Eastern European and International Studies ZOiS, Berlin |
02/2017 | Doctorate in theology (University of Münster), dissertation on the topic "Herausforderung Moderne. The Russian Orthodox Church in the field of tension between unity and diversity: Historical milestones and theological options." |
12/2016–04/2017 |
Research assistant at the Ecumenical Institute (Dept. II) of the Faculty of Catholic Theology at the University of Münster in the project "Orthodoxy as a power resource of Russian domestic and foreign policy" (start-up funding ZOiS) |
03/2015–10/2015 | Parental leave |
03/2014–10/2014 | Research assistant in the parliamentary office of Katrin Göring-Eckardt MdB (executive office of the Bündnis 90/Die Grünen parliamentary group), Berlin |
01/2014–02/2014 | Research assistant in the project network "Competence Network Institutions and Institutional Change in Post-Socialism (KomPost)" at the LMU Munich |
03/2010–12/2013 | Research assistant in the project network "Kompetenznetz Institutionen und institutioneller Wandel im Postsozialismus (KomPost)" (funded by BMBF) at the Ecumenical Institute (Dept. II) of the Faculty of Catholic Theology at the University of Münster |
10/2006–02/2010 | Project coordinator for Caritas Russia in St. Petersburg (as a specialist in the development service of AGEH) |
10/2005 | Diploma in Catholic Theology (University of Münster), thesis: ""On the vocation of the Church in society". The positioning of the Russian Orthodox Church in Russian society after the end of the Soviet Union." |
1999–2005 | Studied Catholic theology at the Free University of Berlin and the University of Münster |
1979 | born in Forst (Lausitz) |
01/2012-07/2013 | Spokesperson of the Mittelbau at the Faculty of Catholic Theology, member of the faculty council |
2010-2014 | Project consultant for Caritas St. Petersburg on behalf of Caritas Osnabrück |
09/2005-09/2006 | Voluntary service for Caritas in St. Petersburg/Russia ("Voluntary Service Abroad" of the Diocese of Osnabrück) |
2004 | Management (finances) of the Federal Student Council for Catholic Theology (AGT) |
2002-2005 | Delegate of the student representation of the Catholic Theological Faculty of the WWU Münster in the Federal Student Council for Catholic Theology (AGT) |
2002-2005 | Student representative of the Faculty of Catholic Theology at the WWU Münster |
1999-2001 | Student representative at the Institute for Catholic Theology at the FU Berlin |
Belarus at the Crossroads? Public Attitudes after the 2020 Election
Orthodox Peace Ethics and Militarisation in the Post-Soviet Space