Johann Michael Sailer
In 1832, Bishop Johann Michael Sailer passed away in Regensburg. Sailer was revered like a saint even beyond the borders of his diocese. The author of numerous books of edification of a profound religiosity which touched Catholics and Protestants alike, Sailer was considered a model of an upstanding Catholic in the dark times of revolutionary turmoil and secularisation. Forty years later, in 1873, the same man's works were brought before the Roman Inquisition and Sailer was accused of being a heretic who "subverted" Catholic theology with Enlightened and Protestant ideas.
Hubert WOLF (ed.), Johann Michael Sailer. Das postume Inquisitionsverfahren (Römische Inquisition und Indexkongregation 2), Paderborn u. a. 2002, 273 pages, hardcover, ISBN: 3-506-77671-1.