Philosophie und kirchliche Autorität

© Ferdinand Schöningh

Jakob Frohschammer (1821-1893), a Catholic priest and philosophy professor in Munich, was in dispute with the Roman Congregation of the Index for twenty years. During this time, five proceedings were brought against his writings. Eventually, a great number of Frohschammer's works ended up on the Index of Forbidden Books. This study is the first to reconstruct the Frohschammer case from a historical point of view and to analyse it from a dogmatic-theological point of view, using the trial records (censor's reports, expert opinions, minutes of the sessions, correspondence) from the Archives of the Roman Congregation of the Index, which were opened in 1998. This study focuses on the period between 1855 and 1864, during which the first and most important two proceedings took place. In these proceedings, the Jesuit Joseph Kleutgen played a prominent and decisive role as a censor, making this present volume a contribution to research on Kleutgen as well.

Elke PAHUD DE MORTANGES, Philosophie und kirchliche Autorität. Der Fall des Münchner Philosophieprofessors Jakob Frohschammer vor der Römischen Indexkongregation (1855–1864), Paderborn et alibi 2005, 400 pages, hardcover, ISBN: 978-3-506-77672-3.