The M.Sc. Mathematics Münster is a two-year research-oriented programme which puts a strong focus on in-depth studies in a broad spectrum of pure and applied mathematical subjects. The Master's programme gives you a lot of flexibility and academic freedom: You can choose from a variety of courses within our focus areas: geometry and analysis on manifolds, topology, operator algebras and non-commutative geometry, algebra, applied analysis, numerics and scientific computing, probability theory and applications, and mathematical logic. Our broad offer and flexibility enable you to design a course that matches your further plans – be it a PhD in Mathematics or a career in the private or the public sector. Small course sizes, direct contact with professors and student learning groups create a very relaxed teaching and learning atmosphere.
You are interested in doing your Master in Mathematics in Münster? Then we offer the “Mathematics Münster Master Day”.
There will be an online version held in English on April 10. For further information and registration please have a look here.
On April 16, you can get an impression and meet people on site - held in German. For further information and registration please have a look at the following page.
The University of Münster has a longstanding tradition in mathematical education and is a stronghold of mathematical research. As a Master’s student in Münster you will benefit from working with internationally recognized experts – Münster's mathematicians have been awarded with four Leibniz Prizes, an Alexander von Humboldt Professorship, six ERC Grants and a Max Planck Research Award – and the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster: Dynamics – Geometry – Structure. Our Cluster intensifies the exchange between traditionally specialised mathematical disciplines. As a Master’s student, you can experience our Cluster’s and Graduate School’s unique and vibrant research atmosphere and benefit from an international network of renowned researchers.
This excellent starting point is also reflected in international rankings: In the Shanghai Ranking 2019, Mathematics Münster ranked 51-75 – which means that we are among the top 75 mathematics departments worldwide and among the top three in Germany!
Moreover, flexible study structures and a broad course offer enable you to design a course that matches your interests and future career plans. Our small course sizes put you in close contact with professors and fellow students, providing you with a very relaxed teaching and learning atmosphere.
With some 44,000 students, the University of Münster (WWU) is one of the biggest and oldest universities in Germany and one of the foremost centers of German intellectual life. Officially founded in 1780, our roots go back to the convent of lay sisters Liebfrauen-Überwasser – an educational institution for women – founded in 1040, and the establishment of a Jesuit College in 1588. Due to the turmoil of the Thirty Year’s War and financial reasons, it took almost 200 years to transform the Jesuit College into an official university.
Today, besides a broad range of academic opportunities – from bachelor's programmes to in-service continuing education courses, the WWU offers a huge and varied amount of extracurricular activities and support for its students: Learn a new language at our Language Centre, take part in one of over 150 different sports at our University Sports, sing in a choir or join an orchestra, take part in a university group, act in a play – or sit back and enjoy the performances of other students: with our wide variety of cultural, international, political and religious student societies, initiatives, and sports groups, the University of Münster offers you countless opportunities to spend your free time and make new friends.
We value a close relationship between research and teaching, extensive advice and counselling services. Compared to many other German universities, our graduates have better chances of launching a career after their studies.
In Germany, Münster is known as one of THE student cities. Since its official founding in 1780, the University of Münster has grown continuously. Our departments, central institutions and libraries are spread all over the city - well, the city of Münster somehow is our campus! Münster is a beautiful, green, safe and lively city of about 320.000 inhabitants in the north-western part of Germany, and the northern part of its federal state North-Rhine Westphalia. Münster has a vibrant cultural and nightlife scene - partly due to its over 70.000 students of one of the eight institutions of higher education. Many cafés, bars and cultural institutions in the city offer a wide range of discounts for students. Münster also hosts one of the most important art exhibitions worldwide - the sculpture project - every 10 years. What else? Well, Münster has won numerous awards for its high quality of live - and a bicycle is the best way to zoom around!