Admission Requirements
To apply for our Master’s programme you need:
- …to have successfully completed a mathematical Bachelor’s degree programme (or comparable) at a German or foreign university with a proportion of studies of 120 ECTS points in mathematics,
- …with an average grade of 3,0 or better,
- …and B2 English language skills,
- ...a university entrance qualification valid in Germany (If you haven't finished your school education in Germany, but have finished the highest school type in your country and graduated from a 3- or 4-year's Bachelor's programme in mathematics, you most likely fulfill this requirement. If you have questions concerning this point, please contact our International Office / International Applicants' Advisory Service).
You can apply with a provisional Bacherlor’s certificate or a transcript of grades as long as you have your Bachelor’s diploma at hand by the time of enrolement.
If you have any further questions regarding our admission requirements, please contact our Mathematics Master Office: mm.msc AT