Münster Journal of Mathematics - Volume 13 1
Kac-Moody symmetric spaces.
Walter Freyn, Tobias Hartnick, Max Horn, and Ralf Köhl
Received September 6, 2017; accepted April 26, 2019 (Linus Kramer) -
CCR flows associated to closed convex cones.
Anbu Arjunan and S. Sundar
Received March 6, 2019; accepted July 1, 2019 (Joachim Cuntz) -
Spectral theory in a twisted groupoid setting: Spectral decompositions, localization and Fredholmness.
Marius Măntoiu and Victor Nistor
Received March 8, 2019; accepted September 13, 2019 (Siegfried Echterhoff) -
Decomposing nuclear maps.
José R. Carrión and Christopher Schafhauser
Received August 2, 2019; accepted October 30, 2019 (Joachim Cuntz) -
The Curie-Weiss model - an approach using moments.
Werner Kirsch
Received September 11, 2019; accepted December 6, 2019 (Matthias Löwe)
Münster Journal of Mathematics - Volume 13 2
The Editors.
Analysis on Riemannian foliations of bounded geometry.
Jesús A. Álvarez López, Yuri A. Kordyukov, and Eric Leichtnam
Received May 21, 2019; accepted December 17, 2019 (Peter Schneider) -
A p-adically entire function with integral values on Qp
and entire liftings of the p-divisible group Qp/Zp.
Francesco Baldassarri (with an appendix by Maurizio Candilera)
Received May 12, 2019; accepted May 24, 2019 (Peter Schneider) -
Diagonal classes and the Bloch-Kato conjecture.
Massimo Bertolini, Marco Adamo Seveso, and Rodolfo Venerucci
Received February 24, 2919, accepted June 17, 2019 (Guido Kings) -
Transfers in coarse homology.
Ulrich Bunke, Alexander Engel, Daniel Kasprowski, and Christoph Winges
Received March 18, 2019; accepted December 19, 2019 (Peter Schneider) -
Aspects of p-adic operator algebras.
Anton Claußnitzer and Andreas Thom
Received April 24, 2019; accepted June 17, 2019 (Peter Schneider) -
On p-adic comparison theorems for rigid analytic varieties, I.
Pierre Colmez and Wiesława Nizioł
Received May 17, 2019; accepted October 11, 2019 (Peter Schneider) -
Extensions in the cohomology of Hilbert modular varieties.
Cosmin Davidescu and Anthony J. Scholl
Received April 28, 2019; accepted February 19, 2020 (Guido Kings) -
Deninger's conjectures and Weil-Arakelov cohomology.
Matthias Flach and Baptiste Morin
Received April 28, 2019; accepted October 9, 2019 (Guido Kings) -
Overconvergent de Rham-Witt cohomology for semi-stable varieties.
Oliver Gregory and Andreas Langer
Received August 8, 2018; accepted January 24, 2019 (Peter Schneider) -
Galois theory of periods.
Annette Huber
Received May 2, 2019; accepted September 30, 2019 (Peter Schneider) -
Some specialization theorems for families of abelian varieties.
Umberto Zannier
Received August 27, 2018; accepted October 10, 2018 (Peter Schneider)