Münster Journal of Mathematics | Instructions for authors
Submitting a Manuscript
Manuscripts may be submitted to any member of the Editorial Board, preferably
by e-mail as a PDF file.
The first page should contain the title of the paper, authors' names and addresses,
with e-mail addresses if possible, a title and a brief but informative abstract.
Authors have the choice to keep the copyright of their articles.
Please do not submit source files for manuscripts until requested to
do so. However, when papers are accepted, LaTeX source files will be needed.
Please keep
formatting macros to a minimum, to make conversion of files more accurate. Do not
worry about chapter headings, running titles, bad page breaks, etc. and avoid adding
extra space and using glue to improve the appearance of the manuscript.
Please ensure that the material has been carefully proof-read and that all input
and style files used are made available to the publishers.
Preparing your file for publication
Once your paper has been accepted for publication in the MJM, we ask
our authors to format it using our style files. For an ordinary
LaTeX file, this should not be very difficult.
The style files for the Münster Journal of Mathematics are based on the
amsart style file. They can be obtained here.
The two style files needed: mjm.cls
and mjm.sty.
A short LaTeX example: mjm_ex.tex and mjm_ex.pdf.
Please note that we have updated these files in November 2015.
Figures and graphics
Figures created via a graphics package should be saved in
encapsulated PostScript (EPS) format. A separate file for each graphic should be
submitted. In a LaTeX document EPS files may be incorporated into the
LaTeX file by using one of the standard macro packages. Please don't supply figures in
pdf format. Please don't use colors.
Tables should be numbered and referred to by number in the text.Footnotes
Footnotes should be kept to a minimum and be as brief as possible.References
References should be collected at the end of the paper and numbered
in alphabetical order of the authors' names. Titles of journals should be abbreviated
as in Mathematical Reviews. Some examples can be found
The Mathematical Reviews provide a free web service at
where references can be put into this standard format.