Zahra Mohammadi (University of Münster): Model theoretic aspects of the free factor complex
Thursday, 25.01.2024 11:00 im Raum SRZ 216/217
Free Factor Complexes are important objects in Geometric Group Theory.
We are studying the model theoretic aspects of these complexes. Bestvina and Bridson showed that the automorphism group of the free factor complex is naturally isomorphic to the automorphism group of the free group, respectively Out(Fn) for the complex of conjugacy classes of free factors. We obtained a model theoretic proof for this result and proved that the free factor complexes are homogeneous in the sense of model theory. Our next aim is to construct saturated models of these complexes in order to study them from the point of view of stability.
Angelegt am 19.01.2024 von Paulina Weischer
Geändert am 19.01.2024 von Paulina Weischer
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