Tee-Seminar: Torben Wiedemann (Universität Giessen) Root graded groups
Monday, 15.01.2024 14:15 im Raum SR04
Abstract: Let ? be a finite root system. A ?-graded group is a group G together with a family of subgroups (U?)? ? ? satisfying some purely combinatorial axioms. The main examples of such groups are the Chevalley groups of type ?, which are defined over commutative rings and which satisfy the well-known Chevalley commutator formula. We show that if ? is of rank at least 3, then every ?-graded group is defined over some algebraic structure (e.g. a ring, possibly non-commutative or, in low ranks, even non-associative) such that a generalised version of the Chevalley commutator formula is satisfied. A new computational method called the blueprint technique is crucial in overcoming certain problems in characteristic 2. This method is inspired by a paper of Ronan-Tits.
Angelegt am 19.12.2023 von Anke Pietsch
Geändert am 19.12.2023 von Anke Pietsch
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