N. N

Dr. Pawel Duch (Adam Mickiewicz University, Pozna?): Flow equation approach to singular stochastic PDEs. Kolloquium Partial Differential Equations

Tuesday, 09.01.2024 14:15 im Raum SRZ 203

Mathematik und Informatik

The macroscopic or mesoscopic behavior of many physical systems interacting with a random environment can be described in terms of non-linear stochastic partial differential equations. Such equations are usually very singular and cannot be solved using standard tools from PDE theory. In the talk, I will present a new technique of solving singular stochastic PDEs based on the renormalization group flow equation. The technique is applicable to a large class of semi-linear parabolic or elliptic SPDEs with fractional Laplacian and covers equations in the whole subcritical regime. A nice feature of the method is that it avoids the algebraic and combinatorial problems arising in different approaches

Angelegt am 14.09.2023 von N. N
Geändert am 21.11.2023 von Anke Pietsch
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Kolloquium FB10 und Sondervorträge
Kolloquium Holzegel/Seis/Weber