Carolin Gietz

Duong Phong (Münster Research Fellow, visiting from Columbia University, USA): The Monge-Ampère equation in Kähler geometry

Thursday, 10.08.2023 02:30 im Raum M3

Mathematik und Informatik

In this colloquium-style talk, we discuss how the Monge-Ampère equation arises in Kähler geometry, and motivate the search for sharp geometric estimates for it. A survey is then given of recent advances using auxiliary equations, including joint works of the speaker with B. Guo and F. Tong on C0 estimates, and with B. Guo, J. Song, and J. Sturm on the Green's function and applications to the Kähler-Ricci flow.

Angelegt am 04.08.2023 von Carolin Gietz
Geändert am 04.08.2023 von Carolin Gietz
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Kolloquium FB10 und Sondervorträge
Mathematics Münster