Paulina Weischer

Yifan Jing (University of Oxford): Measure Growth in Compact Semisimple Lie Groups

Thursday, 20.04.2023 11:00 im Raum SR1d

Mathematik und Informatik

Abstract: The celebrated product theorem says if A is a generating subset of a finite simple group of Lie type G, then |AAA| >> \min \{ |A|^{1+c}, |G| \}. In this talk, I will show that a similar phenomenon appears in the continuous setting: If A is a subset of a compact semisimple Lie group G, then \mu(AA) > \min \{ 2\mu(A) + c\mu(A)|1-2\mu(A)|, 1 \}, where \mu is the normalized Haar measure on G. I will also talk about how to use this result to solve the Kemperman Inverse Problem, and discuss what will happen when G has high dimension or when G is non-compact.

Angelegt am 17.04.2023 von Paulina Weischer
Geändert am 17.04.2023 von Paulina Weischer
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