Gabi Dierkes

Adam Afandi: An Ehrhart Theory for Tautological Intersection Numbers (Research Seminar on Geometry, Algebra and Topology: Moduli Spaces of Complex Curves)

Wednesday, 26.10.2022 16:15 im Raum M3

Mathematik und Informatik

I will discuss how one can organize tautological intersection numbers on the moduli space of stable curves into families of lattice point counts of integer dilates of partial polytopal complexes. Viewing these intersection numbers as lattice point counts provides a novel enumerative interpretation. In order to establish this correspondence between intersection numbers and lattice point counts, we first organize tautological intersection numbers into polynomial families. One then uses a classification theorem of Breuer that says these polynomials are actually Ehrhart polynomials. The talk will assume no background in Ehrhart theory. I will end the talk with some open problems, and outline some directions for future work.

Angelegt am 20.10.2022 von Gabi Dierkes
Geändert am 20.10.2022 von Gabi Dierkes
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Oberseminare und sonstige Vorträge
Vorträge des SFB 1442