Gabi Dierkes

Prof. Dr. Joachim Hilgert (Paderborn): Poisson Transforms and Homological Algebra (Research Seminar on Geometry, Algebra and Topology: Moduli Spaces of Complex Curves)

Wednesday, 20.04.2022 16:15 im Raum M3

Mathematik und Informatik

Abstract: In this talk I will explain how methods from homological algebra have been used to solve problems from non-commutative harmonic analysis related to globalizations of Harish-Chandra modules. The key results are due to Kashiwara and Schmid, but there are more questions which may or may not be tractable by homological algebra.

Angelegt am 12.04.2022 von Gabi Dierkes
Geändert am 12.04.2022 von Gabi Dierkes
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Oberseminare und sonstige Vorträge
Vorträge des SFB 1442