Elke Enning

Thomas Ng (Technion): Residually finite quotients of free products via relative cubulation. Geometric Group Theory Seminar.

Thursday, 05.05.2022 15:00 im Raum SRZ 216/217

Mathematik und Informatik

Small cancellation theory is a rich source of cocompactly cubulated groups. The classical C?(1/6) small cancellation condition has a natural generalization to quotients of free products. These quotients act on a Gromov hyperbolic polygonal complexes and have been used to exhibit infinite families of groups with exotic embedding properties. When the factor groups are assumed to act geometrically on a CAT(0) cube complex, Martin and Steenbock showed that such C?(1/6) quotients are again cocompactly cubulated. I will describe joint work with Eduard Einstein proving that when the factor groups are residually finite any C?(1/6) quotient is again residually finite. Our proof relies on showing that the quotient groups are relatively cubulated.

Angelegt am 05.04.2022 von Elke Enning
Geändert am 31.05.2022 von Giles Gardam
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