Gabi Dierkes

Oberseminar Topologie: Gijs Heuts (Utrecht): Koszul duality and a conjecture of Francis-Gaitsgory

Wednesday, 28.04.2021 16:00 per ZOOM: Link to Zoom info

Mathematik und Informatik

Abstract: Ginzburg-Kapranov and Getzler-Jones exhibited a duality between algebras for an operad O and coalgebras (with divided powers) for a "Koszul dual" cooperad BO, taking the form of an adjoint pair of functors between these categories. Instances of this duality include that between Lie algebras and cocommutative coalgebras, as in Quillen's work on rational homotopy theory, and bar-cobar duality for associative (co)algebras, as in the work of Moore. The focus of this talk is the following basic question: on what subcategories of O-algebras and BO-coalgebras does this duality adjunction restrict to an equivalence? I will discuss a general answer to this question and explain how it disagrees with a conjecture of Francis and Gaitsgory, but confirms the known special cases of this conjecture in the literature.

Angelegt am 23.04.2021 von Gabi Dierkes
Geändert am 23.04.2021 von Gabi Dierkes
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Oberseminare und sonstige Vorträge
Vorträge des SFB 1442