Sebastian Throm

Bridging the Gaps Oberseminar Analysis: Gabriele Benomio (Princeton/Young Research Fellow Muenster): A new instability for higher dimensional black holes

Wednesday, 12.05.2021 12:00 per ZOOM: Link to Zoom info

Mathematik und Informatik

This will be an introductory talk on an instability affecting a wide class of black hole solutions to the higher dimensional vacuum Einstein equations. The dynamical instability of vacuum black holes is one of the characteristic traits of higher dimensional general relativity, and may be put in contrast with the stability of (static) vacuum black holes in 3+1 dimensions recently established in a breakthrough work by Dafermos--Holzegel--Rodnianski--Taylor.

Angelegt am 16.04.2021 von Sebastian Throm
Geändert am 06.05.2021 von Sebastian Throm
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Oberseminare und sonstige Vorträge
Bridging the Gaps Oberseminar Analysis'