Elke Enning

Ben Hayes: A random matrix approach to the Peterson-Thom conjecture. Oberseminar C*-Algebren.

Tuesday, 26.01.2021

Mathematik und Informatik

The Peterson-Thom conjecture asserts that any diffuse, amenable subalgebra of a free group factor is contained in a unique maximal amenable subalgebra. This conjecture is motivated by related results in Popa's deformation/rigidity theory and Peterson-Thom's results on L^{2}-Betti numbers. We present an approach to this conjecture in terms of so-called strong convergence of random matrices by formulating a conjecture which is a natural generalization of the Haagerup-Thorbjornsen theorem whose validity would imply the Peterson-Thom conjecture. This random matrix conjecture is related to recent work of Collins-Guionnet-Parraud.

Because of the Corona crisis, the lectures will be given as online lectures via zoom (or other video conference software). Please contact us by sending a message to our secretary Elke Enning, if you are interested to participate, so that we can send you an invitation for the lectures.

Angelegt am 18.12.2020 von Elke Enning
Geändert am 14.01.2021 von Elke Enning
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Oberseminare und sonstige Vorträge
Vorträge des SFB 1442