Sebastian Throm

Oliver Graf (WWU): The spacelike-characteristic Cauchy problem with bounded L2 curvature in general relativity

Wednesday, 27.01.2021 11:30 per ZOOM: Link to Zoom info

Mathematik und Informatik

In this talk I will review the classical Cauchy problem for Einstein equations. I will explain some of its geometric features and recast the equations as a system of coupled quasilinear transport-elliptic-Maxwell equations. I will present the global-in-time existence conjecture (aka the conjecture of weak cosmic censorship) and how low regularity local existence results (as the celebrated bounded L2 curvature theorem) can be used to get insight on the formation of singularities. I will then review the classical bounded L2 curvature theorem of Klainerman-Rodnianski-Szeftel and present a version generalised to initial data posed on an initial spacelike and an initial characteristic hypersurface that I obtained jointly with Stefan Czimek.

Angelegt am 10.12.2020 von Sebastian Throm
Geändert am 20.03.2021 von Frank Wübbeling
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