Anita Kollwitz

Chiranjib Mukherjee, WWU: The large deviation rate functions and stochastic homogenization on percolation clusters: the impact of disorder (Oberseminar Mathematische Stochastik)

Wednesday, 25.11.2020 17:00 per ZOOM: 94525063967

Mathematik und Informatik

Abstract: We will study asymptotic behavior of a simple random walk in random environments. As a driving example, we will look at percolation clusters of various sorts (including iid Bernoulli percolation as well as models carrying long-range correlations like random interlacements, its vacant set, the FK random cluster model, level sets of Gaussian free field etc.). We will sketch a method for proving an almost sure (i..e quenched) large deviation principle for the SRW and allude to the equivalence of this LD behavior to that of a homogenization of a random Hamilton-Jacobi PDE. Similar questions can be asked for the averaged (annealed) behavior of the SRW and time permitting, we will try to address a simple question: how much impact does the inherent impurity (disorder) of the environment have on the rate function(s), resp. on the effective homogenized equation(s)?

Angelegt am 24.11.2020 von Anita Kollwitz
Geändert am 24.11.2020 von Anita Kollwitz
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