Giles Gardam

GGT seminar: Bakul Sathaye (Münster): Obstructions to Riemannian smoothings of locally CAT(0) manifolds

Monday, 16.11.2020 16:30 per ZOOM: Link to Zoom info

Mathematik und Informatik

In this talk I will discuss obstructions to having a Riemannian metric with non-positive sectional curvature on a locally CAT(0) manifold. I will focus on the obstruction in dimension = 4 given by Davis-Januszkiewicz-Lafont and show how their method can be extended to construct new examples of locally CAT(0) 4-manifolds M that do not have a Riemannian smoothing. The universal covers of these manifolds satisfy the isolated flats condition and contain a collection of 2-dimensional flats with the property that their boundaries at infinity form non-trivial links in the boundary 3-sphere.

Angelegt am 16.11.2020 von Giles Gardam
Geändert am 20.11.2020 von Giles Gardam
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Oberseminare und sonstige Vorträge
Vorträge des SFB 1442