Ina Reckermann

Hans Franzen: Algebraicity of cohomology for quiver Grassmannians, Oberseminar Algebra und Geometrie

Wednesday, 09.05.2018 16:15 im Raum SR1C

Mathematik und Informatik

Quiver Grassmannians are geometric objects which parametrize subrepresentations of a certain dimension vector of a given representation. We show that for a rigid representation the quiver Grassmannian possesses a diagonal decomposition. This shows that its cohomology is algebraic and also yields a purely algebraic presentation of the cohomology ring in terms of Chern classes of universal bundles. This talk is based on joint work with G. Cerulli Irelli l, F. Esposito, and M. Reineke.

Angelegt am 08.05.2018 von Ina Reckermann
Geändert am 08.05.2018 von Ina Reckermann
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