Anja Böckenholt

Michael Weiss (WWU Münster): Old and new results about automorphism spaces and structure spaces of manifolds using tools from L-theory and algebraic K-theory. (Oberseminar Topologie)

Monday, 23.10.2017 14:00 im Raum SR 1D

Mathematik und Informatik

The structure space S(M) of a closed manifold M can be imagined roughly as the space of pairs (f,N) where N is another closed manifold and f:N->M is a homotopy equivalence. It is closely related to the homotopy fiber of the inclusion homeo(M) -> haut(M), where haut(M) denotes the space of the homotopy automorphisms. Namely, that homotopy fiber is a union of connected components of S(M). The surgery theory of the 1960s gives a good understanding of the set of connected components of S(M). This uses the assembly map in L-theory. The surgery theory of the 1960s does not do an equally good job with the higher homotopy groups or the homotopy type of S(M). Hatcher, around 1978, pointed out that a description of the homotopy type of S(M) in a stable range (e.g. homotopy groups up to degree c dim(M), where c is a positive constant independent of M) would also have to use algebraic K-theory. Bruce Williams and I have collaborated on an implementation of this idea for >30 years. I plan to concentrate on the algebraic aspects (algebraic L-theory following Ranicki, and algebraic K-theory following Waldhausen, and how they are related) in the first talk, and more on the geometric aspects (characteristic classes, indices, index theorems) in the second talk.

Angelegt am 04.10.2017 von Anja Böckenholt
Geändert am 10.10.2017 von Anja Böckenholt
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