N. N

Lara Simone Suárez López (Tel Aviv): When is a Lagrangian cobordism trivial?

Wednesday, 29.03.2017 14:00 im Raum SR1C

Mathematik und Informatik

Let $(W;L,L')$ be a Lagrangian cobordism with $L, L'$ closed and connected Lagrangians. We will show that under conditions on the fundamental group, sometimes a monotone Lagrangian cobordism is an h-cobordism and when $W$ is exact then it is diffeomorphic to $W\cong \mathbb{R}\times L$. Part of the result presented is joint work with Jean-François Barraud.

Angelegt am 22.03.2017 von N. N
Geändert am 22.03.2017 von N. N
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