Elke Enning

Mike Whittaker (Glasgow): New directions in self-similar group theory Oberseminar C*-Algebren.

Tuesday, 12.07.2016 15:15 im Raum N2

Mathematik und Informatik

A self-similar group (G,X) consists of a group G acting faithfully on a homogeneous rooted tree such that the action satisfies a self-similar condition. In this talk I will generalise the above definition to faithful actions on the path space of more general graphs. This new definition allows us to work out the structure of the KMS state space of associated Toeplitz and Cuntz-Pimsner algebras. This is joint work with Marcelo Laca, Iain Raeburn, and Jacqui Ramagge.

Angelegt am 09.06.2016 von Elke Enning
Geändert am 06.07.2016 von Elke Enning
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