Ina Reckermann

Prof. Urs Hartl: The universal family of semi-stable $p$-adic Galois representations, Mittagsseminar zur Arithmetik

Wednesday, 04.05.2016 10:15 im Raum SR 1C

Mathematik und Informatik

Zusammenfassung: Let K be a finite field extension of Qp. We construct the universal family of filtered (phi,N)-modules, or (more generally) the universal family of (phi,N)-modules with a Hodge-Pink lattice, and study its geometric properties. Building on this, we construct the universal family of semi-stable representations of the Galois group of K in Qp-algebras. All these universal families are parametrized by moduli spaces which are Artin stacks in schemes or in adic spaces locally of finite type over Qp in the sense of Huber. This has conjectural applications to the p-adic local Langlands program.

Angelegt am 19.04.2016 von Ina Reckermann
Geändert am 19.04.2016 von Ina Reckermann
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