N. N

Oberseminar Algebra und Geometrie: Ana Ros Camacho (Paris): Orbifold equivalence and quivers.

Wednesday, 25.11.2015 16:15 im Raum N2

Mathematik und Informatik

Abstract: "we present an equivalence relation between potentials of Landau-Ginzburg models, which in particular implies straightforward equivalences between categories of matrix factorizations and categories of modules over certain separable symmetric Frobenius algebras. We will review the case of orbifold equivalence between simple singularities and see how this consequence of orbifold equivalence looks in these cases and how to match this with ADE quivers. Based on joint work with N. Carqueville, R. Newton and I. Runkel".

Angelegt am 23.11.2015 von N. N
Geändert am 24.11.2015 von N. N
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Oberseminare und sonstige Vorträge