Sandra Huppert

Prof. Dr. Eva Viehmann, TU München, Vortrag: The geometry of Newton strata

Thursday, 05.11.2015 16:30 im Raum M5

Mathematik und Informatik

Newton polygons are one of the most important invariants to study Shimura varieties, a central topic in arithmetic geometry. The cohomology of corresponding strata is the main tool to realize local Langlands correspondences. In this talk I will report on the geometry of Newton strata in Shimura varieties and loop groups. Here, even basic questions such as non-emptiness or dimensions of strata were only answered very recently, and that although the answers yield concise and elegant formulas.

Angelegt am 27.08.2015 von Sandra Huppert
Geändert am 20.10.2015 von Sandra Huppert
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Kolloquium Wilhelm Killing