Ina Reckermann

Lars Kastner (FU Berlin): Ext-modules on cyclic quotient singularities, Oberseminar Algebra und Geometrie

Wednesday, 17.06.2015 14:15 im Raum M3

Mathematik und Informatik

Abstract: Cyclic quotient singularities are the first interesting examples of normal affine toric varieties that are singular. The torus action gives a description of the variety and torus invariant Weil divisors in terms of combinatorics. Having this information, we derive a combinatorial description of the Ext-modules of two torus invariant Weil divisors and prove a certain symmetry. Finally we show a duality of the Ext-modules with certain Tor-modules.

Angelegt am 02.06.2015 von Ina Reckermann
Geändert am 16.06.2015 von Ina Reckermann
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Oberseminare und sonstige Vorträge