Angela Loew

Oberseminar Symplektische Geometrie: Andreas Gerstenberger (Hamburg): A family index for differential operators on controlled spaces via polyfold methods

Wednesday, 17.06.2015 16:00 im Raum SR1C

Mathematik und Informatik

In this talk I will explain how one can use several methods from the polyfold approach to the transversality problem, such as scale calculus, gluing/antigluing and filled sections, to define an analytic index for a family of differential operators on vector bundles over stratified spaces (with additional structure called a control structure). The controlled spaces forming the fibres of the family here are not required to be homeomorphic but are allowed to form singularities.

Angelegt am 28.04.2015 von Angela Loew
Geändert am 10.06.2015 von Angela Loew
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Oberseminare und sonstige Vorträge