Angela Loew

Oberseminar Symplektische Geometrie: Vincinius Ramos (Nante): Toric domains, symplectic capacities and billiards

Wednesday, 20.05.2015 16:00 im Raum SR1C

Mathematik und Informatik

In this talk, I will talk about symplectic embeddings of four-dimensional toric domains and I will describe a new result connecting the espace of billiards on a round disk with a toric domain. I will explain how certain symplectic capacities coming from embedded contact homology can be used to show that some embeddings are sharp.

Angelegt am 28.04.2015 von Angela Loew
Geändert am 06.05.2015 von Angela Loew
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Oberseminare und sonstige Vorträge