N. N

Prof. Grzegorz Banszak (Adam Mickiewicz University): The algebraic Sato-Tate group and Sato-Tate conjecture

Wednesday, 28.05.2014 11:00 im Raum SR 1C

Mathematik und Informatik

Let $K$ be a number field, and let $A$ be an abelian variety over $K.$ In order to find the proper setting of the Sato-Tate conjecture concerning the equidistribution of Frobenius elements in the representation of the Galois group of $K$ on the Tate module of $A,$ one of the attempts is the introduction of the algebraic Sato-Tate group $AST_K(A).$ Maximal compact subgroups of $AST_K(A)({\mathbb C})$ are expected to be the key tool for the statement of the Sato-Tate conjecture for $A.$ Following an idea of J-P. Serre, the explicit construction of $AST_K(A)$ will be presented based on P. Deligne's motivic category of absolute Hodge cycles and the corresponding motivic Galois group. I will also discuss the arithmetic properties of $AST_K(A)$ along with explicit computations of $AST_K(A)$ for some families of abelian varieties. This construction of algebraic Sato-Tate group can be done more generally than for abelian varieties, it can also be done for absolute Hodge cycle motives. This is joint work with Kiran Kedlaya.

Angelegt am 19.05.2014 von N. N
Geändert am 19.05.2014 von N. N
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