Martina Pfeifer

J. De la Nuez Gonzalez: JSJ decompositions of the free group relative to a set of multiwords from a topological prospective - Part 2

Thursday, 17.04.2014 10:45 im Raum SR 1D

Mathematik und Informatik

Extending a technique introduced by Bowditch, Cristopher Cashen and Natasha Makura provide a canonical JSJ decomposition of the free group relative to a finite set of words admitting a topological interpretation. The key object, first considered by Otal, is the so called "decomposition space" of the set of words: the quotient of the boundary of the free group by the equivariant set of lines generated by it. The approach yields some computability results, involving a generalized notion of a Whitehead graph. We will give an account of their work. This is a continuation of an earlier talk in March.

Angelegt am 14.04.2014 von Martina Pfeifer
Geändert am 14.04.2014 von Martina Pfeifer
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