Anja Böckenholt

Wolfgang Steimle (Kopenhagen, Dänemark): On the map of Bökstedt-Madsen from the cobordism category to A-theory. (Oberseminar Topologie)

Monday, 28.10.2013 14:00 im Raum N2

Mathematik und Informatik

Bökstedt and Madsen defined an infinite loop map from the $d$-dimensional cobordism category of Galatius, Madsen, Tillmann and Weiss to the algebraic $K$-theory of $BO(d)$ in the sense of Waldhausen. The goal of the talk will be to explain two results in relation to this map. The first result is that it extends the algebraic $K$-theory Euler class for smooth bundles with compact $d$-dimensional fibers, as defined by Dwyer, Weiss and Williams. The second result is that it actually factors through the stable homotopy of $BO(d)$. This is joint work with G. Raptis.

Angelegt am 10.10.2013 von Anja Böckenholt
Geändert am 15.10.2013 von Anja Böckenholt
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