Paulina Weischer

Jerónimo García-Mejía: Dehn functions of nilpotent groups

Thursday, 25.04.2024 11:00 im Raum SR4

Mathematik und Informatik

Since Gromov's celebrated polynomial growth theorem, the understanding of nilpotent groups has become a cornerstone of geometric group theory. An interesting aspect is the conjectural quasiisometry classification of nilpotent groups. One important quasiisometry invariant that plays a significant role in the pursuit of classifying these groups is the Dehn function, which quantifies the solvability of the world problem of a finitely presented group. Notably, Gersten, Holt, and Riley's work established that the Dehn function of a nilpotent group of class $c$ is bounded above by $n^{c+1}$. In this talk, I will explain recent results that allow us to compute Dehn functions for extensive families of nilpotent groups arising as central products. Consequently, we obtain a large collection of pairs of nilpotent groups with bilipschitz equivalent asymptotic cones but with different Dehn functions. This talk is based on joint work with Claudio Llosa Isenrich and Gabriel Pallier.

Angelegt am 16.04.2024 von Paulina Weischer
Geändert am 16.04.2024 von Paulina Weischer
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