Anke Pietsch

Marica Minucci (Queen Mary University London): Conformal geodesics and the evolution of spacetimes with positive Cosmological constant Oberseminar Topics in General Relativity

Tuesday, 02.04.2024 12:00 im Raum 503

Mathematik und Informatik

Conformal geodesics were introduced into general relativity by Friedrich and Schmidt in 1987. Their motivation was to construct coordinates well suited for the local study of conformal boundaries. The conformal Gaussian coordinates are geometrically defined coordinates generated by timelike conformal geodesics. These coordinates, a conformal connection and an orthonormal frame solution to the conformal geodesic equations give rise to a conformal Gaussian gauge. In this talk, I will discuss a strategy based on this gauge choice and the conformal Einstein field equations to study the evolution of de Sitter-like and sub-extremal Schwarschild-de Sitter spacetimes as in arXiv:2103.08919 and arXiv:2302.04004.

Angelegt am 20.03.2024 von Anke Pietsch
Geändert am 03.04.2024 von Anke Pietsch
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